Yes, I do love swapping, and Amy, from BUMBLE BEE LANE, (what a sweetie) has done it again with the "FARMHOUSE SUMMER SWAP" My partner was Vicky-myart.blogspot! What fabulous goodies I received, and she has spoiled me but good. Vicky is such a sweet and caring person, and this is the second time I was fortunate to have her as my partner. Here are the wonderful goodies I received, and believe me, the pictures do not do the justice she deserves. Her work is superb!
I love this Uncle Sam..He is just so darn adorable. He sits in a little tin bucket and He is so loved!!!
I love this sign Vicky made, and it will go in my new kitchen when it is done. So cute!
Next is Miss Crow (I love crows) sitting on a flower with a seed tag on top of a rusty spring! She also sent me a lovely patriotic apron with stars, a beautiful candle holder, and two great smelling tarts. And of course the cutest card.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart sweet Friend, I love it all so much. And to Amy, a big thank you for another wonderful swap!
It has been such a crazy year so far. Can't seem to get done what needs to be done, and the weather has been the strangest. We have been redoing our kitchen, and it has been a nightmare since Day 1! the hubs is on the road for extremely long periods since January, so my communication with him is the phone, and trying to explain to the contractors what I want done and what he wants done know how that goes, but finally we are getting near the end, after a near fire, a near electrocution, a minor flood, and having to hire another contractor, we are getting near the end. Oh, and the first contractor shorted my electric out on one side of the house, so it took an electrician to come and fix that mess! I will have to post pics when we are done. I do have my antique cupboard full already. I really love it. Here is a glimpse of it.